Daniel Naveed Tavakol
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Naveed is working on translational approaches to integrated organ-on-a-chip systems, with a specific focus on the hematopoietic/immune system. He is also passionate about mentorship, science communication, and building an inclusive scientific community.
Previously, Naveed was a Whitaker International Fellow at the EPFL in Switzerland (2017-2018) working on models of the bone marrow niche under Dr. Olaia Naveiras. He graduated from the University of Virginia with a B.S. in biomedical engineering in 2017, where studied the role of pericytes in neovascularization under Dr. Shayn Peirce-Cottler. Outside of the lab, Naveed loves hiking, drinking coffee/craft beer, propagating his 30+ houseplants, and listening to Taylor Swift.